Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Nuclear Weapon Proliferation

Nuclear Weapons
[A brief history]
First nuclear weapons
·         Developed by the US during WWII
·         Germany was also working on them
·         Codenamed the Manhattan Project
·         Led by Robert Oppenheimer
·         Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
·         Video!
Specs and figures
·         Each bomb weighed about 5 tons
·         Explosion equivalent to 50-75 million sticks of dynamite
·         Deaths: 90,000-166,000 in Hiroshima
·         60,000-80,000 in Nagasaki
·         Sigh.
Cold War
·         Ideological battle between Communism (sort of) and Capitalism (kind of)
·         Diplomatic tension between USSR and US
·         Leads to innumerable proxy wars, military interventions, and covert operations
·         Also leads to arms race
The Arms Race
·         Race to develop both bigger, scarier bombs and the systems to deliver them or prevent them from launching
·         Dear lord.

  1. Fat man: 22,500 tons
  2. Castle Bravo 15,000,000 tons
  3. Tsar Bomba 50,000,000 tons
·         Deterrence
·         Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
·         Containment
·         Detente
Other countries with nukes

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