Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homework for 3-1, including in-class work

Prepare for a debate on Thursday.  You will be debating two things: whether the 2003 Iraq war was justified when it began, and whether it has since been justified.  By “justified,” here, I mean: was there, in 2003, sufficient evidence of WMD or lack of cooperation that might indicate Hussein was hiding something?  To address events since 2003: have events showed that Iraq specifically or the Middle East generally is better off (in terms of democracy, government accountability, social or economic stability) because of some aspect of the Iraq War? 
For those of you preparing for the run-up to the 2003 war, consider:
·         9/11 and how it changed the American outlook
·         The information source, codename: curveball
·         The first Gulf War – what kind of international support there was, what the extend of the invasion was, and why
·         Saddam’s actions during the 1990s regarding Bush Sr., weapons inspections, and anything else
·         Our actions during the 1990s, including inspections and sanctions
·         Saddam’s actions, particularly with weapons inspections, between 9/11/2001 and the invasion
·         Anti-war demonstrations and civic action
For those of you preparing for the aftermath of the war, consider:
·         Insurgency groups and their motivations (this will be complicated; I’m just looking for foreign or domestic, sectarian or nationalist)
·         Resultant global terrorism
·         Looting of museums and other cultural landmarks
·         US casualties
·         Allied casualties
·         Global perceptions of the US
·         The Arab Spring?
Here are some extremely useful links:
·         Timeline of events, with references to useful articles from many sources; you’ll want to use the article names they quote to search.
·         BBC’s summary of armed groups in Iraq.
·         NYT’s timeline of events, with pictures and links to relevant stories.
For class Thursday, 3/1, bring at least two annotated sources to class with you to share with your group.  Annotated means you’ve got quotable statistics and quotes highlighted or underlined and bulleted points that support your side.
Don't forget your journal or your homework. 

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