Friday, February 10, 2012

Homework for 2-14

Your homework is to ask a family member or older friend about their experience on 9/11/2001.  We will be discussing those experiences - and yours - in class on Tuesday.  "Older" means anyone who was at least your age in 2001.  We will also watch the rest of the documentary together. 
The other part of your homework is to read this article.  For each of the theories and explanations, write some sort of response.  That response can be short – it can simply be a question (eg “What’s wahhabism?”) or a connection (“this sounds like what we discussed in class about globalization”) or a personal response (“this is what I heard caused 9/11”).  I’ve reproduced each argument below so that you can print or copy them and your responses. 
Plausible but flawed theories
A.    Poverty.
B.     Madrasas.
C.     The CIA.
D.    Weak and failing states.
E.     Saudi financiers.
F.     The Saudis in general.
G.    The clash of civilisations.
H.    Suicide terrorism, including 9/11, is a response to foreign occupation.
I.       We are in a clash with a totalitarian ideology, similar to communism.
J.      The death rattle of political Islam.

The most credible explanations
10. Radicalisation caused by the Afghan jihad.
9. A particular reading of Islamic texts.

8. Decline and stagnation in the middle east and the “humiliation” of the Islamic world.
7. The spread of communications technology.
6. Authoritarian middle east regimes helped incubate the militants.
5. The alienation of Muslim immigrants in the west.

4. US foreign policies in the middle east, in particular its support of Israel.
3. Bin Laden is an astute tactical leader and rational political actor fighting a deeply felt religious war against the west.
2. 9/11 was the collateral damage of a clash within Islam.
1. The 9/11 attacks were the fruit of Bin Laden’s flawed strategic reasoning.  


  1. a. I doubt poverty had much to do with anything. money wasnt a problem for al Queada

    b.I dont think their religous schools are that extreme to teach terrorism

    c. This interests me a lot, but i bet there is no way for the public to ever find out if the CIA was behind anything

    d. Although some of al queda was in a weak state, most plots were in big states

    e. no evidence of this

    f.It was more than just the Saudis

    g.I think its more a clash of militaries than civilizations

    h.I think Bin Ladens attacks were more than just the idea of suicidal terrorism

    i. I think this idea is good, our government and others clash if its not democracy, at least thats what ive noticed

    j.I doubt this is the end

    10.I want to learn more about this maybe involving the CIA, seems interesting and shocking

    9. I think you would have to be crazy to interpret some of their islamic texts as attacks

    8.I think the humilation is a big part. The u.s has always been in the middle east's business, and this angered Bin Laden

    7. I dont think this matters

    6.I think this is relevant, as it was just muslims, saudi's and others were involved as well

    5. I tihnk this had a small part of the reasons, but not big enough to justify anything

    4.I think the us policies angered them just like our presence in the middle east

    3. I need more information on this idea

    2. I think this is accurate

    1. I agree with this, Bin laden had flawed ideas

  2. A Poverty: I don't think poverty had anything to do with the attack, it even says that the evidence proves against it. The attackers were not poor.

    B. Madrasas: This isn't true because, as it says in the article, none of the attackers went to Madrasas, and Madrasa graduates have rarely if ever carried out major anti- western attacks.

    C. The CIA: It is an interesting theory, but if there is no evidence proving this then it can't be true, especially since the CIA didn't know about Bin Laden's significance until 1996.

    D. Weak and Failing States: The plots were in the big states not the little states, the experience the plotters had was from the west. Even though Afghanistan was important to al Qaeda being able to rise

    E. Saudi Financiers: There is no hard evidence of this, and terrorism is a cheap form of warfare.

    F. The Saudis in General: Though they did play a role, it was more than just the Saudis

    G. The Clash of Civilizations: Most Muslims condemned 9/11, so more of a clash of militaries not civilizations.

    H. Suicide Terrorism, Including 9/11 is a response to foreign occupation: Not all of the attackers in 9/11 were Saudis, but the rest were from countries not occupied by foreigners. Also Suicide attackers in Iraq are usually foreigners, it is rather a globalized culture of martyrdom that is driving suicide attacks in the Muslim world.

    I. We are in a clash with a totalitarian ideology, similar to communism: 9/11 was the event of the 20th century, it was the clash of ideologies. However, Binladenism does not pose the existential threat to the west presented by the totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century. It has almost nothing like Nazism or communism.

    J. The death rattle of political Islam: I don't think its the end of political Islam, not at all, it is still going on in the middle east.

    10.Radicalization caused by the Afghan jihad: While there is nothing that provides evidence that the CIA had anything to do with this, there are other factors that do. Still the fact that the CIA is mentions makes the whole situation foggy.

    9.A Particular Reading of Islamic Texts: If the book is the word of God, it seems crazy to say that some of these readings would be talking about “unprovoked attacks on infidels” the scripture can be twisted by the Readers and I think this is what happened.

    8.Decline and stagnation in the middle east and the “humiliation” of the Islamic world: Humiliation does seem possible. The U.S has a knack of getting itself into issues that don't involve itself, this would make anybody upset, and I believe Bin Laden was in fact angry about this.

    7.The spread of communications technology: I think this is irrelevant, maybe it could have played a role but I highly doubt it has any importance.

    6.Authoritarian middle east regimes helped incubate the militants: I think this is possible, and important to some degree.

    5.The alienation of Muslim immigrants in the west: This is very possible, but it could also be coincidental at the same time. Either way, I don't think it would be enough to push them so far to make such radical decisions there has to have been something already there.

    4.US foreign policies in the middle east, in particular its support of Israel: I do believe this was a major instigator, It's like owning a store and having your customers making up their own policies on what should and shouldn't be done. This would have angered them.

    3.Bin Laden is an astute tactical leader and rational political actor fighting a deeply felt religious war against the west: It's very possible, but there is not enough information supporting this claim.

    2.9/11 was the collateral damage of a clash within Islam: The most logical and plausible explanation I think.

    1. The 9/11 attacks were the fruit of Bin Laden’s flawed strategic reasoning: Yes, this is very true, he clearly didn't think about the potential of the true response of the U.S. He sort of undermined it.

  3. A. That has got to be the worst idea I’ve ever come across…
    B. Never heard of that word before. Ever. Not even on the TV.
    C. Stands for Central Intelligence Agency!
    D. Am I the only one reading this going what the crap are they talking about?! -_______-
    E. Wow, it only “cost a few thousand dollars” when the first Trade Centre was attack. They make it sound easy to attack anything if you have the money to do so.
    F. Define Wahabbism.
    G. Certainly a better idea than poverty…
    H. I didn’t know there were Lebanese, Egyptian and Emirati dudes on the team.
    I. Reasonable idea. But still not good enough.
    J. I don’t really understand this idea. So who’s the failure here?

  4. A.I think this theory isn't worth considering. What incentive do poor people in the Middle East have to attack the U.S?
    B.They have schools that teach terrorism?
    C.Bin Laden is a scandal?
    D.I have no idea what this means.
    E.Money can buy explosives, but money can't buy suicide bombers.
    F.What's Wahabbism?
    G.This isn't a good theory because Musilims started to hate Americans because they declared war on Iraq, which was before 9/11.
    H.Suicide terrorism is an occupation to them?
    I.What is totalitarian ideology?
    J.The 9/11 attack was just a promotion of the Islamic movement?

    10. Radicalisation caused by the Afghan jihad.
    The CIA was responsible for the rise of al Qaeda?
    9. A particular reading of Islamic texts.
    It's crazy what a religion can do to a person.
    8. Decline and stagnation in the middle east and the “humiliation” of the Islamic world.
    Could this be the incentive that pushed Bin Laden to do the things he did?
    7. Its kind of like cyber bullying. Lies are spread all over the internet and media and everyone can see it, which is humiliating.
    6.A "Deadly Alliance"
    5.In the west, conditions are bad and violent, which influenced their bad behavior.
    4.This was the "spark" to Bin Laden's hate to America.
    3.Bin Laden was a strong tactical leader. I wonder if he can play a good game of chess.
    2.Bin Laden is also manipulative and a good persuader.
