Thursday, February 16, 2012

Homework for 2-21

Homework for 2-21 (Presentations postponed til 2-23)
CLARIFICATION: I understand that the consensus is, I've been vague about the directions for the project.  Here's some better direction:

SAUDI ARABIA: What has the country done to encourage terrorism?  Address population, particularly the number and satisfaction of young men (do they have education?  opportunities to utilize it?), and their feelings toward the US given the US relationship with other parts of the Middle East.  Also consider Wahhabism, funding, and whether they have in any way discouraged terrorism.

ISRAEL: What has the rest of the Middle East thought about Israel since it became a country in 1948?  What have they done about it?  Said about it?  How has Israeli treatment of Palestinians changed those feelings (or not)?  To address that question, discuss the separation wall, water rights, and settlements.  At the same time, how have Israelis experienced terrorism?  How have terrorists used Israel to justify their actions? 

AFGHANISTAN: What was the US's involvement in the Soviet conflict in the 1980s?  Why was the Taliban able to take control of Afghanistan?  What have they done there while they were in control?  Why do you think Bin Laden chose the country as his hideout?  Why has rebuilding the country since our invasion been so difficult?  Why am I asking about opium? 

IRAQ: What has our relationship been to Iraq since WWII?  What was it during the Iraq-Iran war?  What did Saddam Hussein do to Iran and his own people in that time, and the 90s?  What was the justification for the 2003 war?  Why has rebuilding the country since our invasion been so difficult?  Has our invasion caused terrorism? 

IRAN: What has our relationship been to Iran since WWII?  Why did the Revolution of 1979 happen, and who won it?  [Persepolis will help you understand!] What was the US relationship to Iran during the Iraq-Iran war?  What has Iran's stance been toward the US and Israel since Ahmedinajad took power? 

OTHER: Pick some organizations: Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, for example.  Discuss who perpetrated the London bombings, the Madrdid bombings, and any other acts of terrorism (perhaps even within any of the other countries in this list), and why they said they did so.  Is the organization Shi'ite or Sunni?  Who supports the organization?  Where are they based?  Why do they say they exist and do what they do?  Do they accomplish anything that's not terrorism - do they, for example, act as a legitimate political party, or provider of social services?

1. Get some popcorn, and watch this movie.  Just in case there’s any confusion (there’s a historical city called Persepolis, and it’s possible to find documentaries on it instead), it’s the 2007 movie based on Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel.  You don’t have to watch it on youtube; it’s definitely available through Netflix and most movie rental places.  Here are the questions you need to answer (read them all BEFORE you watch the movie, and bring the answers to class with you):
1.       According to the characters, why does the 1979 revolution happen? 
a.       What competing parties or ideologies are involved?
b.      How do the Islamists take control?
                                                               i.      What does the Satrapi family think of them?
                                                             ii.      Why do the Satrapis stay in Iran?
c.       What strikes you most about the portrayal of the Islamist regime?  Or, what other regimes (fictional or not) does it remind you of? 
2.       What elements of globalization did you notice? 
a.       In particular, both our exploration of immigration and the article on the causes of 9/11 discussed alienation, particularly alienation among young Muslims.  How does the main character deal with that alienation?  How does that differ from the way the 9/11 attackers or other terrorists coming from Europe must have? 
3.       What elements of imperialism did you notice? 
a.       What role does it play in Marjane’s family’s life? 
4.       Did anything else strike you about the movie?  If so, note when in the movie it occurred so we can bring it up on screen in class if we want. 
2. Your organizer for the Islam lecture is due. 
If you missed class 2-9 or 2-14, you should know that we watched a documentary.  I’ve made your response to that documentary (simply whether you responded) a graded notebook assignment. 
If you missed today, you need to email me so that I can reply with the presentation and assignment. 
Below is the overall (group) grade rubric.  You will also receive a group evaluation to grade one another. 

Research Presentation Rubric
Name: __________________________________
Topic: ________________________________________________________________

Needs Work
Meets Standards
Main idea
-Does not present a position
-Lacks focus and direction
-Implies or understates a main point

-Main point or generalization present
-Located in the introduction

-Contains a nuanced main idea about subject’s involvement with terrorism
-Located in the introduction


-Lacks a beginning or an ending
-Lacks transitions

-Often off-topic
-Establishes brief introduction and conclusion

-Has introduction and conclusion
-Attempts transitions
-Most slides relate to thesis

-Has introduction and conclusion
-Each slide connects to the main idea
-Makes transitions between and within ideas

-Has no specific facts (statistics, dates, or otherwise pertinent information) from any text
-Has two or less inappropriate and improperly cited facts per slide
-Significance of facts poorly explained
-Has at least two well-chosen facts per slide
-Significance of facts adequately explained
-Has at least two well-chosen facts from the text per slide (verbal or written)
-Significance of facts insightfully explained


Context/ Relevance
-Does not attempt to describe the context or relevance of the topic
-Inadequately describes the context or relevance of the  topic
-Mostly describes the context or relevance of the topic
-Describes the context or relevance of the topic

Sentence Structure
Word Choice
-Sentences to not vary in length
-Sentences are incomplete
-Sentences are not parallel
-Words are general and repetitive
-Few sentences vary in length
-Sentences are complete
-Some strong words are used, but the majority are general and repetitive
-Sentence lengths are varied
-Sentences are complete
-Uses precise and varied word choice
-Some weak words are commonly used
-Sentence lengths are varied
-Sentences are clear and complete
-Presenter uses precise and varied word choice
-Very few, if any, weak words are used.

-Wikipedia only source

-Inappropriate sources used

-3-4 good sources used

-5 appropriate, timely sources used



1 comment:

  1. Here is a link to some excellent photojournalism (the winners of a yearly contest). It may have pictures relevant to your presentation.
