Friday, February 3, 2012

Homework for 2-7

Comment on another group’s articles and visuals.  You must: analyze the article or visual if it’s an opinion piece, and summarize the article or visual if it’s a news or informational piece.  Then, discuss what the article or information shows about immigration to the US.  Does the policy or incident show US diversity and the welcoming attitude of Emma Lazarus’ Statue of Liberty poem?  Or does it show a xenophobia reminiscent of the 19th century ugliness discussed in Tuesday’s film?  Perhaps it shows something in between?  If the item regards another country's response to immigration, compare and contrast their policies or responses with those of the US, and describe which you think is more welcoming.  
Post your comment as a reply to the relevant posting from another group.  The post is due by midnight Monday, 2-6. 
Your test is on Thursday, 2-9.  Remember that this test is open-note and open-book; you may bring whatever materials you find relevant to class with you.  I’ll be grading you on the thoroughness of your discussion, the appropriateness of your examples, and your ability to synthesize the ideas of this class with what is happening in the world.  Here is the question you need to prepare to write on:
Discuss the tensions of globalization in terms of economics and society; what are some of the consequences of the increased communication and transportation speeds of this period?  Who is benefiting, and who is not?  Discuss employment, wages, changes in the kind of job available (manufacturing vs. service or management), prices, and/or other aspect of the economy you find relevant.  Connect that discussion to changes in society – in the composition of the workforce (racially, linguistically, etc), national and international culture, the way people think, what people do with their time and habits, and/or their culture. 
You may start with an outline, but you must write the essay in class.  Let me know ASAP if you have questions. 

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