Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Homework for 3/15, plus the final

1)    Reflect on the movie.  What surprised you?  Shocked you?  Disappointed you? 
Also: write out what you think the primary causes of the situation in Mexico.  Is it a problem of government?  If so, America’s or Mexico’s?  And what part of it – law enforcement, or specific laws on one or the other side of the border (drug laws, gun laws)?  Is it a problem of economics – poverty in Mexico, demand in the US?  A social problem – that Americans feel the need for that level of drug use, or that Mexicans are willing to supply that much drug? 
Or am I completely off in the limited options I’ve set forth in those questions?  Is it something else entirely?
Write your answers in your notebook.  You’ll be turning them in on Thursday. 
2)    Post as a reply a short proposal for your final; the assignment is below.  The idea of posting your proposal is that you can help others brainstorm; help your classmates out by posting early if you have an idea.  Remember: if you have an idea that deviates from the assignment, you may propose it.  Rubric to follow, but remember: you will be graded on your ability to connect your actions to concepts we’ve discussed in class.  There will be some mandatory and some bonus points for extra research cited within your work. 
Current World Issues Final
Your final is to take action on some issue we have discussed in class, and to explain that action in light of the class material.  You will do something on the world stage, and you will explain to me why you did it, and how it will affect the world, all in terms you have learned in this class. 
What, exactly, you do is your decision.  You might volunteer for a local environmental organization or political campaign, you can write a local or national elected representative on some issue you care about, you could even simply change –or maintain! – your spending habits in light of something you have learned in this class.  You can figure out some tangible way to support the troops we have stationed abroad, or advocate for their return, or canvass your friends to raise awareness of some local or international issue. 
The part you will be graded on: your justification for your actions, and a write-up of the likely and hoped-for results.  You will write 2-5 pages (typed, double-spaced, usual margins, 10 or 12 point Calibri or Times New Roman font) on why you have taken this particular action and how you expect it to affect the world – in however minor a way.  You will also explain what national and international institutions and infrastructure you used to accomplish your action.  The infrastructure could include the internet, roads, our local water system, or even the paper your report is printed upon; the institutions might include, say, a political party you volunteer for, or a church, or an NGO, or the corporations you bought from. 


  1. My action that I am going to take is to only purchase American or Made in the USA products.

  2. Proposal: to volunteer at my church. Either with the men’s homeless shelter
    (our church houses homeless men here and there) or I would more than likely volunteer and sort of take a sociological approach to observing the Hispanic refugee at my church. They have their own separate pastor and everything. We don’t come together as one huge congregation. And part of my mission is to figure out why. It’s like we have two churches in one. And maybe my actions could bring everyone together since I do have close connections with the church’s advisors. Also, how does this relate to the topics discussed in class? Well, the congregation at my church is majority white. Then the other congregation is Hispanic. In the video we watched they said something about how the Mexican families positive outlook is backed up by religion, and that’s the only thing they really have (facts might not be completely correct). I want to observe how religion connects with this sort of situation. Then continue with immigration (BUT ON A POSITIVE NOTE).

  3. My action is to volunteer for the tree restoration project to help replace trees that have been cut down for lumber.

  4. My action is volunteer to for the Salmon hatchery with the city of Seattle

  5. Skate home from school when it starts getting nicer. spending less money in general on restaurants, food, gas, etc.. take the bus as well

  6. My action is to only purchase things from stores instead of buying stuff online.There is a lot of oil and energy being used to ship one item across the country just so I can get it.

  7. My action is to only have the water on when I am using it and unplug everything in my house before i leave

  8. So I remember Sean saying something along the lines of volunteering to help the troops. I'm not sure if that even relates to much, and I'm still kind of confused on what to do. But my idea was to go down to Ft Lewis or Camp Murray and volunteer to help with anything, considering the fact that my mother is in the military and I know a lot about what they go through.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm going to volunteer again at this church in Kent where they feed the homeless and talk to them. When I did it before a lot of them were in the position that their in because they got laid off because the work that they used to do is now done overseas at a much profitable price for the company.

  11. One idea i had was to buy lets meat and more local vegatables, as well as not buying tons of water bottles and rather buy a 5 gallons recyclable one and fill up reusable water bottles.

  12. My action is to shop at the farmers market more, because the food is grown locally and more healthier.

  13. my action is to stop shopping online and actually go to the store.

  14. My proposal is to try and be more efficient in terms of transportation.

  15. Mine is planting trees and plants in the community with church

  16. My proposal is to plant a tree or two in my backyard or anywhere to help stop global warming according to the Al gore video. I'm also going to explain globalization because of the tools i'm going to use for this project is not made in america.

  17. My plan is to volunteer at Vegfest and maybe get an idea of what vegans eat and help others consider eating less meat, including myself.

  18. my proposal is to plant a tree on April 22ND celebrating Seattle's Earth Day, also removing ivy, laying down mulch, and picking up trash to help restore the Cheshiahud Loop.
