Friday, March 23, 2012

Final Thoughts

Thank you all for participating in my class.  I, for one, enjoyed the bejeezus out of it.  Well, if one can be said to "enjoy" exploring all the gory realities of this modern world... still, exploring it with you has been amazing. 

A few things to note:
  • Email me if you wish to know your grade in the class, or if you'd like your graded final paper. 
  • Keep your notebook if you're taking Government next quarter; it will play a similar role.
  • Reply to this post with any links or general tips (or even your final) on how to take individual action.   
MAJOR NOTE: the finals I've read so far do not have any kind of proof of action.  Email me by Sunday morning for full credit (10 points! More than a letter grade!).  By "proof," I mean a screen shot of a volunteer registration form (if you're volunteering) or a forwarded confirmation of registration (that would be an email) or a picture of a receipt or label (texting that is just fine, too) or a picture of you doing something (like Tommy's). 

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