Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Homework for 3-22

Summarize your paper into a 2 minute talk.  Bring 1 visual; this may be a picture of what you do or intend to do, or a cartoon about what you hope to affect the most, or a piece of music, or a few power point slides; feel free to be as creative as you wish. 
The idea of the talk is to show your classmates what you’re doing and why – so that they can also choose to make simple choices about everyday living, or sign a petition, or write to their representatives in Congress, or volunteer for some particular organization.  There is, after all, much more power in numbers, even in a globalized world with superempowered individuals. 
This short presentation will be 10% of your grade on the final. 
6% - explaining concisely what you did and why 
4% - having a visual that helps explain or illustrate

Save a tree.  Make sure you EMAIL YOUR FINAL by class time Thursday. 

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