Thursday, January 12, 2012

In-class library work

Post an article - and a summary thereof - relevant to our present discussions.  The article may be an opinion piece, a news article, a feature article, or similar.  It may be from a newspaper, a magazine, the online version of either one, or even a blog. 

Summarize the article; point out the information and opinions most relevant to the class discussions we've had, and point out how the information is useful to your classmates. 



    This article is about the manipulation of globalization w/ the British. I didn't realize how bad globalization was on the poor and how it's a risk. The rich are greedy in the process and take no time to think about the poor. Globalization has a big impact on social inequality and its getting worse. This is useful to the class because it explains a part of the reason why the economy is so bad and why it's hard to get a job. The government is becoming corrupt trying to get maximum profit and the richer the rich get the poorer the poor get.

    1. I agree with the article the the capitalists is what really causes the majority of globalization to take place. Becasue everyone wants to make more and more money, so they have to find new ways to do so invlolving other countries to be a part of it. So the prospect of high profits seems to be the only reason for globalization.

    2. i agree with Willie and Craig, The capitalist are the majority of the cause of Globalization, not only is the rich greedy but it makes the poor population harder to live.

    3. I also agree with this article because people do want to make as much money as they can in any way and they do have to find new ways that involves other countries to make more profit. I also agree with the part where it explains why its hard to get a job in this economy .

  2. Link:

    The article that I chose is about the principals of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Although the WTO has helped lower trade barriers, it has also stirred up some criticism about the reality of what is really happening. The webpage list a few examples of the effectiveness of principals. The WTO does have good intentions but they just need a better way of executing them. I do agree with what the WTO is trying to accomplish but I also strongly believe that they need to be more welcoming of new ideas and involve the public because after all, that is who it is affecting.

    1. I really like how this article has text as well as a video. It really helps us viewers understand the topic better. I agree with this information due to the fact that it isn't quite an opinionated article.

    2. I agree completely. The World Trade Organization should become more welcoming, that way more people would understand more clear.


    In this article, it explains how globalism negatively affects the world. For example, it said, “the rich will get richer, and the poor will become poorer” as well as, “it can lead to a further widening of the economic gap between the rich and poor countries of the world.” We aren’t the only ones being affected by this, but so everyone else is as well. Some places have taken action to keep this from happening. For example, “Stock reduction and production cut are at the core of Malaysia's recent policies to shore up the market. “ All in all, globalism seems to be hurting everyone, if it’s not individually it’s worldly.

    1. I like how you added quotes from the article, it helps with you're explanation. I agree with your statement that it effects other people too, possibly even more than us. Its a pretty harsh thing.

  4. World Trade Organization— Keith Bradsher (Aug. 13, 2009)

    This article explains the main purpose of the WTO which assists people through the many rules that are being made for global goods and trade going on around the world. They overlook them and create a more understandable compromise. The organization started in the year 1995 and was compared to another organization called the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). This organization created the “free trade rules” by lowering tariffs in manufacturing. Later on the Uruguay Round - a rebel organization against GATT - replaced GATT with the WTO because of the disagreement with the free trade rules. Since then, the WTO has tried to get other countries to agree with the free trade rules in government purchasing. However, China was against the free trade rules. This led the WTO to the gaining the United States freedom from China which declared Beijing breaking the rules by limiting imports to the US.


    1. I think you completely understood the information written in this article. The article had very clear points as well. and there's nothing else I have to say.

    2. This article contains a lot of facts and useful information as well a deeper insight as to what the W.T.O. really does.

    3. This article is very clear about what the WTO is and how it's was structured. There's a lot of facts in this article and i also think you understood it very well.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


    My article is about the good and bad things of globalization. It states how this system is going to help with poverty and unemployment problems and making communication easier . This helps ideas get shared and different companies are able to make decisions together on things. Also the article explains some cons about globalization like how corporations are starting to become more powerful, but not in a good way. My article is explains what we talked about in class on Tuesday and its useful to you because its about globalization.

    1. was there any other way you related to this article besides globalization? Did you feel as if this article had larger points in it that could be defined in your own words? I see that the globalization "cons" section effects many people economically and I noticed that's what we talked about in class with the video on China.

    2. I like how this article mentioned all aspects of globalization. We sometimes tend to connect globalzation with the economy but it has to do also with social asspects. Globalization has helped humanity become more tolerant of one another and this is a postive aspect of globalization that we forget.


    The article is talking about how the European stock markets are steady. In my opinion this is good for the United States. There are European countries that we trade with. Another thing that this article talks about is Russian joining the World Trade Organization. I think Russia joining is good because they have really good resources the the United States can trade for. This is relevant to class because we were talking about Globalization and this is pretty much talking about all of this right now.

    1. I completely agree with you. Europe should have a great contribution to the US because other countries do and since they have a steady stock market, it would have a great contribution to the US because our stocks go up and down daily. Also the WTO would have a positive outcome for Europe because if they traded with US and other countries, Europe would be protected of their resources.

    2. I totally agree with you, there are a lot of thing that the United States can trade with Russia, and it really is a good thing that Russia had finally joined the World Trade Organization.

  8. The article “Is Occupy Wall Street bad for the American Dream?”
    discusses the conservative reaction to the movement. There was a site
    created by Erick Erickson called “We are the 53%”. This website is a
    reaction to the counter site, “We are the 99 percent”. The people
    sharing their struggles in America are almost the same on each site.
    The contributors to the “99 percent” do not support the 1% of America:
    big companies and the government. The “53%” is referring to the people
    who pay Federal income taxes. Although both of the sites say that they
    find value and work in a productive society, they do not agree on who
    to blame for poverty. Those 53% believe that they have worked for
    their money and if they are wealthy or not they will survive or
    preserve. The 99% believe that it is the government’s fault for them
    being poor. On the 53% site, a woman talks about her struggles as a
    mother of two. She, her husband, and her two kids, were forced live
    off of rice and beans for about three years while her husband looked
    for a job. They do not see this as being their fault. The 99% believe
    that you must work for your wealth and if you are not wealthy, then
    you need to pull yourself up by the “bootstraps” and preserve.

    This article talks about how Russia is going to join WTO (World Trade

    This is a good thing because even in the article it
    said that Russia is by far the biggest economy to join the Global
    Trade. The only reason Russia didn’t want to join WTO is because
    Georgia was stopping them, but after going to war with Georgia they finally made up their mind. This is useful to class because this article is actually talking about some reasons why not all countries join WTO.

    1. This is kind of what my article talks about. I think it's really awesome that Russia is joining, they have a lot they can trade.

    2. I liked the fact that you chose a video. Your video was good but I think your comment could have talked more about Russia's imports


    This article is about the (WTO) World Trade organization
    implementation of rules for global trade in goods and services. This
    started in 1995. This (WTO) is similar to the General Agreement on
    Tarrifs and trade (GATT) but a stronger version pretty much because the WTO took over GATT overtime. The
    GATT started after WWII to reduce ruinous round of protectionism
    that made the Great Depression worse. The (GATT) in 1947 has made
    internation trade rules more broaden in agriculatural products,
    services, investment and government procurement.But that was hard for
    some countries and so the World Trade organization concluded that
    (GATT) has been effectively replaced with (WTO). “In August 2009, the
    W.T.O. gave the United States a victory in its trade battle with
    China, ruling that Beijing had violated international rules by
    limiting imports of books, songs and movies.”

    1. What you wrote about is really similar to what I have read. Both readings back each other on the issues that you listed above. It helps to verify the information that you read to ensure that it is accurate.

  11. My article is about the world trade organization. The world trade organization is an organization that helps free up
    trade. It acts like a big meeting where governments and countries can
    sit down a civilly discuss their problems. Most of the problems are
    setting trade agreements. But the world trade organization makes rules
    regarding trade as well. Most of the work that the world trade
    organization has to deal with comes from negotiations in 1986-94
    called the Uruguay Round and earlier negotiations under the General
    Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. When the trade organization makes
    rules they are signed and acknowledged by the world’s biggest trading
    nations. These are like contracts that help ease the pain and
    frustration of trading, because nations that have signed it have to
    abide by those rules and can’t cut off trade from certain countries.
    And also the world trade organization and founded January 1st, 1995.
    The world trade organization doesn’t just deal with regular trading of
    good but also, services, inventions, creations, and designs.

  12. The article that I chose was a bit lengthy, so I chose one section and the section I chose was labeled Asia, there is also a sub-topic underneath it labeled South korea.

    In this section of the article, they start out talking about Japan and the recession they are going through. The appreciation of yen has exceeded but the demand for exports has not. This is important because this shows that globalization is necessary to keep a strong economy on any sort of term. Even though Japan has such a record for economic up rise, they too need help from other areas around the world to help sustain such an economic stability. Here, the article states that “In the United States, the world’s largest auto market, the price of Japanese vehicles is rising and sales are dropping. Japanese car manufacturers Honda, Nissan and Toyota are reporting steep declines in sales and profits”. In class we talked about larger companies with names that are all so familiar, in this article these names are present. Without them, consumerism wouldn’t happen and the whole communication and networking system wouldn’t be present. But they see a slight bump in the consumerism aspect because the highest priced phones in Japan sold within a couple days. Moving on to the last part of the section is labeled South Koreans. This section refers to more areas in Asia and South Korea’s communication relationship with those other areas. This talks about the manufacturing plants in each place. China is one of the largest exports in Asia and the economic downfall is apparent as well, towards other places that is. But, the author states that the only countries that will stay “afloat” are the Chinese exports and manufacturers and everyone else will experience an economic downfall. This is important to our class because we do not live in China so this means the United States is a part of this economic tragedy.

    1. I completely agree with your summary on this article. Japan is definitely known for their electronics and automobile sales/production. The article moves on to talk about China having an economic crisis. If the worlds largest and fastest growing economies are having economic problems, what does this mean for the rest of the world?


    This article is about the negative effects of globalization on the Western world. How it is no accident that the United States, Europe and Japan have been simultaneously experiencing political breakdown.
    The author of this article talks about this huge gap which is widening that globalization is creating between what electorates are asking of their governments and what their governments can give. While Globalization was supposed to have played an advantage to the liberal societies, but instead the middle class wages have been stagnant and the economic inequality has been rising. According to the author, the three reasons Western governments are experiencing ineffectiveness. “First the interdependence born of globalization dilutes the impact of many of the traditional policy tools used by liberal democracies. Second, the diffusion of power from the West to the rest means that there are today many new cooks in the kitchen; effective action no longer rests primarily on collaboration among like- minded democracies, and thirdly democracies can be nimble and responsive when their electorates are content, but they are clumsy and sluggish when their citizens are downcast.” As far as the crisis of governability the author states that in the US is taking the form of paralyzing polarization, while in Europe is experiencing a dangerous renationalisation of its politics, and Japan has gone through six prime ministers in the last five years and policy making has come to a halt even on urgent issues. As you can see, globalization doesn't only have a positive effect, and doesn't only affect the US but everyone else we associate with through globalization. It seems globalization that started off as an idea with a good intention went awry.

    1. I like this article a lot because it shows negative affects of globalization which we haven't talked about as much.

      cody c


    summary: this article discusses globalization. It talks about how our economies growth is
    not declining but at the same time it is very fragile. Our world being so fragile probably
    couldn’t take much more economic damage or we may not be able to recover. The two political
    professors state that positivity is needed in order to rebuild the economy around the world. They
    also noted that endless liberalization was needed which I agree on. This article could be useful
    for our class since it covers globalization economically, stating how fragile it is and how one
    wrong decision could change things.
    summary: this article discusses globalization. It talks about how our economies growth is
    not declining but at the same time it is very fragile. Our world being so fragile probably
    couldn’t take much more economic damage or we may not be able to recover. The two political
    professors state that positivity is needed in order to rebuild the economy around the world. They
    also noted that endless liberalization was needed which I agree on. This article could be useful
    for our class since it covers globalization economically, stating how fragile it is and how one
    wrong decision could change things.

  15. This article talks about how brands have become spread worldwide and now everyone everywhere know of and about them. It's a book that explains how these brands become a part of our everyday lifestyle and we adapt to having them around and feel like they're a must. Those brands have their products made in different countries because it’s cheaper and there’s somewhat of a profit but it’s not even about profit, its mainly about making us, the purchasers, buy those products. This information is useful to my classmates because it talks about how brand name products work. They’re main purpose is for us and everyone else around the world to purchase the products so they can make money. When they make commercials about those products and we see them, it makes us have an urge to get that product. We don’t think about the fact that those brands are having the products be made in third world countries for so little pay but then selling it for so much more.

    1. This reminds me of this article I read about where there was 200 factory workers threatened to commit suicide by jumping off the roof in China.

    2. I think its crazy how two things could look exactly the same in every feature but yet a simple brand name or logo can change the perspective on which one to buy. Everyone these days are so worried about being "better" than the rest or they are trying to keep up. They waste their money and their time. I agree with you.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Eight Reasons Why the UN Human Rights Committee is Ineffective
    By: Geoffrey Robertson
    In this article Robertson highlights some reasons why the United Nations Human rights committee branch is ineffective. One of the main reasons why they have become ineffective is because their members usually are part of state: ambassadors, parts of cabinets etc. this isn’t good because they will put their countries interest before any issue. Another reason is that they only meet three times a year. The shortage of time doesn’t allow them to work any problems out. Also, they have no enforcement power. Even if all members agree that a country is violating human rights all they can do is simply comment on the action they have no real power to enforce or ensure there will be change. These are three of the eight main reasons why they have become ineffective. I agree with this article I think the UN was useful at one point after the World Wars, however, now their structure has become out dated and if it doesn’t change they have no real use. For example Libya, when they were “commented” by the UN like most countries they simply ignored them.

    1. I agree with your summery and your statement that there is no use for the UN especially if they only meet three times a year which I did not know.

    2. This article was very interesting. This explains a lot. The committee fails to meet frequently to discuss certain situations, the people selected to be on the committee dont fit t the position acquired, and they dont use good enough evidence. They don't even have witnesses/hearings. I like your input and I agree with you and the article

    My article discusses the ways that globalization negatively effects a few of the topics we will be talking about in class such as Occupy Wall Street protests and how globalization caused greed instead of wealth. we already talked a little about third world countries and this article discuses Globalization causing developed countries to use people from third world countries in the customer service field which people from the developed countries don't like because it seems like people from the third world countries are taking their jobs. This article also talks about how globalization is believed to have caused an increase in child labor and slavery, fast food chains in developing countries, and how globalization causes pollution.

    1. I think its very interesting that the article suggests the reason why aids was brought up in America was because globalization brought people from various countries together, causing a jungle virus to spread all over the world.

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  20. This article is about China’s economy and its problems. The housing market is blowing up. Steel production, construction, and real state workers are putting banks at risk. China is buying a lot of these products the trade with other countries. For example, the article said that Brazil and Russia sold china a lot of steel and lumber products that fed the housing market. This makes me think of globalization and how countries are communicating more and becoming connected. But during this time foreign markets for china’s products has slowed down. Trading partners are concerned about china. They are worried about debt, and affecting other parts of the world’s economies as a result. Another risk is a trade war. China is putting taxes on American vehicles in China. American vehicles already have a slow market over there, and now there is even more tax. The American Government thinks this could be a warning from China. All these arguments and new ideas of trade and business relates to what we talked about in class. We talked about the WTO, which China finally agreed to join in 2001. This is also relevant to our discussions about globalization around the world. China is something we hear or see about every day, whether the news or the products we use from them.

  21. I chose an article about Asia attempting to reshape globalization and lower the chances of economies failing. Dr. Mahathir said that if regulated it wouldn’t change things with globalization entirely. His thoughts are that globalization should not be absolutely free, but market driven. The emphasis appears to be on the free flow of goods and services but not for people and other things. Having free trade means having no government regulation, laws, and policies. This only really benefits rich countries and International companies but developing countries still have rules, regulations, laws and policies. This was brought up because of the East Asia countries whose economies have been failing over the years.
