Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homework for 1/19 - updated!

For your homework, read this article.  It refers (and links) to both “we are the 99 percent” and “we are the 53%” movements. 

For EACH website, answer the following questions and EMAIL them to me (I will certainly take this assignment in class).  You may want to print or take some notes on your answers; we will be discussing them in class on Thursday.  If you want to refer to any specific entry in the blogs, the word “photo” in red on the top right will take you to a permanent link that you can copy-paste into your email.  For our discussion, we may highlight certain entries, so if you email nothing else, email your favorite and least favorite. 

1.       Find an entry you like for some reason.  Why do you like it? 

a.      What is that particular author’s point? 

b.      Who is he/she targeting as an audience?

c.       Who is the target of his/her criticism? 

d.      What solutions do you think he/she is proposing?

e.      What are his/her core values?

2.      Now find an entry you dislike.  Why do you dislike it?

a.      What is that particular author’s point? 

b.      Who is he/she targeting as an audience?

c.       Who is the target of his/her criticism? 

d.      What solutions do you think he/she is proposing?

e.      What are his/her core values?

3.      What values do the “53%” seem to hold?

4.      What values do the “99%” seem to hold?  



  1. STUDENTS! This is your example.


    2. Now find an entry you dislike.

    a. What is that particular author’s point?
    The author seems to be saying that her hard work – getting up early, working long hours, giving up luxuries, and so on – has led to an acceptable but not ideal lifestyle. By saying she pays her bills and taxes, she seems to be implying that she’s a contributing member of society.

    b. Who is he/she targeting as an audience?
    It sounds as if she’s targeting Occupy protesters with a “get off your butt” speech.

    c. Who is the target of his/her criticism?
    She seems to be calling the “99%” people whiners.

    d. What solutions do you think he/she is proposing?
    That everyone work as hard as she does without complaining so much.

    e. What are his/her core values?
    Patriotism (the colors she chose to use, “I’m an American”), independence, hard work, perseverance, austerity or frugality

    I dislike it because the author misses the point. I had the exact same situation as she does last year, getting up at 430 to get on a bus to get yelled at by students, and the hours I worked often totaled more than 50. I lacked health care; if I had gotten sick or in an accident, I would have lost my job and been in a worse situation. Such an early timeframe would not have been necessary if the bus system worked better. The entire system – both the school and students I was directly serving, and the overall economy I was indirectly serving – would have been better off if I had had health care and the infrastructure to get to work on time. As a society, we can figure out a way to provide health care and infrastructure.

    1. what do mean when you say each website?

    2. The "We are the 53%" website and the "We are the 99%" website. The article has the links in like the first or second paragraph.

  2. If it's still not clear: do numbers 1 and 2 for both the 99 and 53 sites. Then do #3 and #4.
