Thursday, January 5, 2012

Homework for 1/10

Read these directions carefully – 3 parts – this will seem large because a) you’ve got 4 days, b) this assignment will guide much of the unit, c) due to registration’s mistake with the start date, we’re a day behind.  Still, you should spend a maximum of 3 hours on this.  Parts 1 and 2 are due by Monday at 7AM.  20 points – more typical assignments (like finding articles) are 10 points. 

1. Go read this article (look! the link is the words "this article!" colored, not underlined... cool!) - it's actually the prologue to Longitudes and Attitudes, a book by Thomas Friedman.  After reading, briefly summarize the article and define the following terms in your own words (you may integrate the definitions into your summary); then EMAIL that summary and set of definitions to me (  Some of the words are defined in a unique way within the article, or used to mean something more specific than the first dictionary definition; define the words as Friedman does or in the sense he means.
·         globalization (definitely wait til you've read the entire article to do this one)
·         integration
·         diffuse 
·         homogenize
·         state or nation-state
·         Supermarket
·         Super-empowered individual
* The end – the last few paragraphs – is the most interesting!

Bonus (5%):
·         derive
·         any other words you looked up to understand the article better

2.  Comment on the article in this post.  Do you disagree with any part of it?  Agree in particular with any points?  Have questions about anything he’s referring to?  Have something to add to his opinions here?  You may be brief as long as you are specific; this part of the assignment shall continue. 

INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMMENTING: click the link at the bottom of this post – “# comments” (the # will be an actual number – perhaps 0).  It will give you a text box to type your comments into (I suggest you type your comments in a word processor that will spell and grammar check, then copy and paste into the box).  Below this box it says “comment as” and has a drop menu.  You will have to sign in to an account that works with the website – there’s a list of acceptable ones in the drop menu, and the easiest of those is google.  You may have to open a new email account.  I suggest you get a gmail account, and that you use your real name to create a professional looking email address (see mine?  It’s a great example.  It would work just fine with numbers at the end, as long as those numbers weren’t 69 or 420). 

3. Remember also, if you haven’t already: a bound (not spiral) notebook, and your "getting to know you" questionnaire are both due Tuesday at the beginning of class as well.   


  1. It's interesting how he describes the globolization system with the word web, meaning that "no one is in charge but we are all connected." Also, where he was using the example of the game board, but also said that the U.S was not the only influence. In additon, I agree that the internet has a huge impact on everyone, especially if Jody Williams built a international coalition useing e-mail.

  2. I thought it was interesting when he explained the three balances of the globalization system. He talks about the electronic herd and how the herd gathers at the supermarkets. I agree with the definition of supermarkets having a big impact of the economies and lifestyles of other countries. I also agree with his opinion of the super-empowered individuals. The US was angry about the attack on their buildings in the late 1990’s; therefore they decided to retaliate with an unnecessary amount of missiles.

  3. I can definitely say that globalization is a very important part of the US today because without it the economy would be worse than it already is. I thought that it was interesting how the 2 systems were completely different from one another (cold war and globalization) because one seems to isolate people and their culture from one another but the ither combines them both. I was also surprised to find out about Bin Laden's attack during the 1990's.

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  5. I think that globalization being replaced with the cold war system was a good thing because it helps us to communicate a lot better that it was back then. Also i thought it was interesting how after the US attacked on bin Laden and sent missiles at him in that first attack he still manage to make it out alive.


  6. The article was very interesting the way the author talked about globalization it made me think about our world a bit different. The first time I read it, it was a challenge to understand the article. The second time I began to understand what was being said. The way the author contrasted globalization and the cold war also made things easier to understand. Overall I definitely think this article was a good introduction to this class

  7. I definitely agree when Friedman says that everyone in the world is directly or indirectly affected by globalization. I strongly believe that if Jody Williams can unite 1,000 different citizen groups over 5 continents to over power the three largest powers in the world (Russia,China,U.S.) using the world wide web, there is no limit to what we are capable of.

  8. I thought this reading was interesting. If I understood this correctly I agree that because of the web so many people have the opportunities to work towards getting their opinions out, take charge of things you disagree with, and become a "super-empowered" individual.

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  10. I thought that the prologue to Longitudes and Attitudes was very interesting. One thing that surprised me the most was we spend millions of dollars on missiles fired at Osama Bin Laden. Each missile cost the US one million dollars. There were 75 missiles fired at Osama.

  11. I think the article was great because I did not know anything about the cold war system I agree that globalization does integrate people because it allows us to interact with each other. Over all I like how Thomas L. Friedman talks about all the different power in globalization that everyone has and how the power from the cold war system changed during globalization.

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  13. I agree with his points, most of them. I never really knew the Osama Bin Laden started in the 1990's, I thought it was way more recent. That part was really interesting. I guess a question I have is, is this what people were talking about when they said that George Bush was going to war in Iraq was for protecting us?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hm,it is very interesting how Thomas Friedman explains that all the little events lead to one big thing. If i understood this correct, Jody Williams used e-mail to super-empower herself? If so, I am very amazed as to what big things can be done over e-mail. In this case, combining five different continents together for a treaty.

  16. •I do not disagree with any part of this article.

    •It is true that the Internet has made life a lot easier for us and now we have become dependent on it as well.

    •What would the economy be like if we did not have such easy access to the key global financial centers?

    •Without the widespread of the Internet, would we have gotten this far and this successful?

  17. I completly agree with this article. I believe that the internet has opened up a new world that allows better business, but also can be used for bad reasons such as exchanging ideas and plans to plan out an act of terrorism.
